From where we sit now, we definitely count ourselves blessed that we decided to go ahead and pack our hospital bag April 2nd, because all through the day on April 4th, unbeknownst to Daily or Stuart, Daily was in labor. As she left work one of her co-workers said, "I bet I won't see you tomorrow because you'll be having your baby." We love it when people are right (sometimes).
So the time finally came. At 3 am on April 5th Daily was in active labor, even though she denied it. Stuart timed the contractions and together they decided to go to the hospital at 5 am. (Really, it was Stuart's decision. Daily was SURE they would send her home). They got to the hospital, saw the nurse, and were admitted to the delivery room. Sure enough we had to call our parents. We called Daily's first and hoped her mom wouldn't be mad at us for having the baby 3 weeks early and before she was set to come in by plane. We say this because Jame's cousin Robert was born just a few days before he was. We then called Stuart's parents and everyone was happy.
We got in and the labor was relatively fast. We didn't even have time to finish our movie! At 12:35 p.m. James was born. He was cheesy and floppy and loud, but cute as a button. For a while we were alone- just the three of us. Then we got a surprise visit from my cousin Michelle, but she brought someone with her. Daily's mom! (Daily may or may not have cried).
Not going to lie. That first night was tough. Even after an easy delivery, the needs of a baby are a lot. But, luckily James was completely worth it.
The next day Stuart's mom was there. This is her first grandchild, so it was a very special occasion for her. It was fun to have both Nana and Grammy there for the next couple of days as Stuart and Daily wrested with how to deal with not getting too much sleep (they still do this). It was a very special time for us as a family. Once our mothers left we were on our own for a little while, and we were anxious about what our future held for us. But we put our faith in God and trusted in Him to help us.
Stay tuned for the next part- "the Moveneing"...
April 5th, 2016
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